NCC (Army Wing) at Chandigarh Group of Colleges (CGC), Landran campus is commanded by 3PB (I) Coy NCC, Ropar. It aims to groom the cadets (Boys and Girls) to join Defence forces and to be the disciplined citizen of the country.
About NCC
The National Cadet Corps (India) was formed under NCC Act of 1948 and is open to school and college students on voluntary basis. The Cadets are given basic military training in small arms and parades. The motto of NCC is “Unity and Discipline”.
ANO/CTO is an important link in the NCC organization between the BN and the cadets. As a matter of fact, ANO is the feeder node of NCC since he / she is the one who is in direct contact with the cadets all throughout the year.
Presently Dr. Santosh Kumar, Associate Professor (Mechanical Engineering) is working as CTO in NCC Department. He is very hard worker, punctual, sincere and honest. He is a good athlete and speaker. He is also passionate about doing research in the area of Surface modification using thermal spray coatings. He has published many research papers, books and granted patents. He is a journal editor and reviewer of many prestigious journals. He has received many awards such as “Best Teacher Award”, Gold Medal from University, and Award of Special Achievement cum Award of Excellence.

- To develop qualities of Character, Courage, Comradeship, Discipline, Leadership, Secular Outlook, Spirit of Adventure and the ideals of Selfless Service among the Youth of the country
- To Create a Human Resource of organized, trained and motivated youth, to provide leadership in all walks of life and be always available for the Service of the Nation.
- To Provide a Suitable Environment to Motivate the Youth to Take-Up a Career in the Armed Forces.
The NCC Cadets participate throughout the year in NCC activities and camps with no hindrance in their studies. Every year the cadets attend several camps including Annual training Camp, Personality development & leadership Skill Camp, Mountaineering Expedition Camp and National Integration camp. Cadets also take part in various activities organized by NCC unit i.e., Earth Day, International Yoga Day to name a few. CGC, Landran also fulfils its Corporate Social Responsibility through NCC by organizing Blood Donation Camp in Landran in association with Department Blood transfusion, PGI. We at CGC, prepare the cadets to clear their ‘B’ and ‘C’ certificate because of which they get an exemption from CDS examination and are directly eligible for Service Selection Board (SSB).